Import translations from project

Lingobit Localizer allows the user to import translation data from previously created project files into the current project. This may be used for translation leveraging.

The user can import a project with similar target languages only. In case the project contains more than one target language, importing will be applied to matching languages.

To import a project file, choose Import in the File menu. In the Open dialog, select the file to import. Lingobit Localizer project file has .loc extension.

Set the import options in the Import Parameters dialog box. By default, all the existing element translations will be replaced with the translations from the imported file; the translation status for the modified elements will be set as in the imported project. You can choose By Status option in the Overwrite the current value pane, to overwrite existing translations if their status is less than the status of the imported value (see Using Translation Status for more information). Choose Never to keep the existing translations. In this case, imported translations will be applied to Not Translated elements only.

You can also import element translations depending on their status. Check Import only if status is greater or equal to box and then select the appropriate status in the drop-down list.

Click OK to import the project.

Contents : Lingobit Technologies : Software Localization Tool